Finding your way to R3

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We are located at Riddargatan 30 in central Stockholm. Please enter through the portal and call us on the house phone on your left side. We sit on the fourth floor.

Postal address to the Stockholm office:

R3 Revisionsbyrå Stockholm
Riddargatan 30

Arriving by car

Please note that finding parking space at Riddargatan may be difficult. You should try one of the adjoining streets.

Public transport

Take the subway (red line) to Östermalmstorg. Use the exit marked Östermalmstorg.

» Access SL’s homepage with tripadvisor.

Gothenburg (Göteborg)

Our office in Gothenburg is located at Mölndalsvägen 26, the postal address is:

R3 Revisionsbyrå Göteborg
Möndalsvägen 26
412 63 Göteborg

Tel:  031-730 44 00
Fax: 031-730 44 01

Stockholm Gothenburg (Göteborg)​

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